Passion Fruit Farming

Passion fruit, a climbing vine, is a versatile crop whose demand is growing in both export and domestic markets. It is the third most popular fruit in Kenya after mangoes and bananas respectively.

The fruit can be eaten fresh or consumed after extracting the pulp and making juice. Passion fruit juice is a delicacy and is in high demand in the local markets. The juice is used in a variety of products and the pulp may be added to different dishes. A wide range of cosmetic products and food flavors are derived from the fruit that is rich in Vitamins A and C and carotene.

Due to the huge and expanding market and the changing consumer preferences as Kenyans move from carbonated soft drinks to fresh juices, the popularity of passion fruit farming in Kenya is set to rise high. Furthermore, brands like Coca-cola, Afia juices and Del-Monte are already sourcing various fruits from farmers or are in the process of doing in a bid to tap fresh fruits processing segments.

Economic potential

Economic potential
Passion fruit farming can easily be started with little capital yet the financial returns can be more than previously thought possible.
Daily Data from the ministry of agriculture website indicates that the average price of One kilo of passion fruits is 50 shillings in various markets

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● Heavy well drained and fertile sandy loams soils with a pH of 5.5 – 7. If the soil is too acidic, apply agricultural lime. Good drainage and aeration are essential to minimize the incidence of diseases. ● A well distributed rainfall 900-2000mm but when rainfall is low supplement with irrigation. ● Optimum temperatures range of between 18-25°C for the purple variety and between 25-30°C. for the yellow variety.
Orchard Bloom Exporters

Orchard Bloom Exporters are growers and exporters of fresh high quality organic fruits and vegetable.


North Airport Road, Avenue Park Nairobi - Kenya
Phone: +254 (0) 722 997 981

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